The Ancient Nazarene Beit Din

Past Leaders on the International Nazarene Beit Din:
The Nasim (Presidents) of the Nazarene Sanhedrin

1. Ya’akov (James) (c.30 C.E.- 63 C.E.)
2. Shim’on (Simeon) (63 C.E. – 98 C.E.)
3. Justus (98 C.E. -?)
4. Zakkai (Zaccheus) (?-?)
5. Toviyah (Tobias) (?-?)
6. Benyamin (Benjamin) (?-?)
7. Yochanan (John) (?-?)
8. Mattityahu (Matthew) (?-?)
9. Philip (?-?)
10. Seneca (?-?)
11. Justus (?-?)
12. Levi (?-?)
13. Efrayim (Ephres) (?-?)
14. Yosef (Joseph) (?-?)
15. Y’hudah (Judas) (?-358 C.E.)
16. James Scott Trimm (1996-Present)

The Av Beit-Dins of the Nazarene Sanhedrin:

1. Kefa (Peter) (c.30-68 C.E.)
2. Yochanan (John) (68-c. 100 C.E.)
3. ????? (100 C.E.-358 C.E.)
4. Rabbi Rob Miller (2007-2014)
5. Vacant (2014-present)

(In 358 C.E. the Nazarene Sanhedrin, like the Rabbinic Sanhedrin was dissolved when a Roman decree made such Jewish gatherings illegal.  Nazarene Judaism lost its organizational structure until it was reorganized in 1996 C.E. in accordance with Deut. 16:18)

“Minutes” from a Nazarene Beit Din Meeting c. 51 C.E. (See Acts 15:1-29)

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