Update on my Health Issues

Shalom Chaverim,

I told you before that I was sent to see two specialists. One of these was a neurologist, which I have seen. It was a long wait to see the other specialist and that happened today. Getting in to see this specialist was a whole story. The short version is that I was initially referred to someone who was supposedly on my insurance, but was not. I had one visit with that specialist, they ordered blood and imaging tests but I was not able to go to a followup appointment, when it turned out they were not on my insurance. So I had to find a new specialist and the earliest appointment I could get was over a month out (today). Today I took those tests into the new specialist, and he said I need to see a different type of specialist *immediately*. He literally called a colleague on the phone and got me an appointment *tomorrow*. I do not yet know the reason for the urgency, he did not tell me and wanted me to see the other specialist ASAP.

So today’s Specialist copay was $70 and tomorrow’s is $70. I expect the new Specialist will want to run tests, perhaps tomorrow, and those will have big copays at all… and at this point I won’t be able to afford any tests, I can barely afford the copay for the visit.

With the economy down, donations are way down. We have raised less than $85 this week! Rent is due in just over 24 hours, the electric is due, my health insurance bill (huge) is due and our car is in the shop having the transmission replaced (plus my wife has a dr. appointment tomorrow and has to pick up a prescription she *must* have, that is over $100!

Now more than ever, we need your help ASAP!

Donations can be sent by Paypal to donations@wnae.org

Or click HERE to donate

Emergency Alert! – 24 Hours!

The rent is due in just over 24 hours and we have only raised $85 since Monday!

This has been a very tough month. Our car is still in the shop having the transmission replaced. So we are being hit with some large, unexpected bills. And our rent will still be due in just 48 hours!

As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to donations@wnae.org

Or click HERE to donate

Stay Connected with the Nazarene Judaism Restoration!

There is a lot of talk about getting back to the “New Testament Church” but two things the “New Testament Church” did not have, were a “New Testament” (it was yet to be written, and that is not what they called it) and a “Church” (the met in homes and synagogues). Yeshua (“Jesus of Nazareth”) did not come to create a new religion, but to be the Jewish Messiah of Judaism. The original followers of Yeshua as Messiah were not “Christians” but a sect of Judaism known as “Nazarenes”. While these Nazarenes used the 27 books known to Christians as the “New Testament”, they did not call them by that name, and they did not use the Greek New Testament, but the original Hebrew and Aramaic versions of those books, as well as a fifth Gospel known as the “Gospel according to the Hebrews” (this was actually an original, unabridged version of the Gospel of Matthew). These Nazarenes shared much in common with the House of Hillel Pharisees, in fact Paul, a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes, actually identified as a Pharisee as well as a Nazarene. These Nazarenes also held much in common with the Essenes, with both groups calling themseleves “The Way” and the “Sons of Light”. These Nazarrenes had a concept of the Messiah as the “Word” and the “Son of Yah” which was very much like that of Philo of Alexandria and that found in the Zohar.

Today many of us are working to restore this ancient sect of Judaism. Click here to find out how you can stay connected with this modern restoration of Nazarene Judaism!

You can join our Nazarene Judaism Facebook group by clicking here.

You can also “Like” our Facebook Page

However, we all know that we cannot depend of Facebook to stay connected, which is why we have created our very own NazareneSpace Social Network which I encourage you all to join by clicking here

And of course keep watching the blogs right here!

Emergency Alert! – 48 Hours!

The Rent is due in just 48 Hours and we do not have it!

This has been a very tough month. Our car is still in the shop having the transmission replaced. So we are being hit with some large, unexpected bills. And our rent will still be due in just 48 hours!

As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to donations@wnae.org

Or click HERE to donate

The Word Revealed in the Zohar

The Word Revealed in the Zohar
James Scott Trimm

In the introduction portion of the Zohar (Haqdamat Sefer Zohar) there is a very deep discussion of Isaiah 40:26. I wish I had time to fully explain this exposition to you. This is my second draft of this blog. In the first draft, I started to do just that, and then realized that I was having to explain so much background information to make it understandable, that the subject I really wanted to cover, was getting lost in the mix.

To summarize the setting, Rabbi El’azar is giving an exposition on the passage “Lift your eyes on high and see: Who created these?” Shimon bar Yochai interrupts him saying:

Said R. Simeon, ‘Eleazar, son of mine, cease thy discourse, that there may be revealed the higher mysteries which remain sealed for the people of this world.’

R. Eleazar then fell into silence.

R. Simeon wept a while and then said: ‘Eleazar, what is meant by the term “these”? Surely not the stars and the other heavenly bodies, since they are always visible, and were created through Mah, as we read, “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made” (Ps. 33:6). Nor can it imply the things inaccessible to our gaze, since the vocable “these” obviously points to things that are revealed. This mystery remained sealed until one day, whilst I was on the sea-shore, Elijah came and said to me, “Master, what means ‘Mi (Who?) created these?’ “ I said to him, “That refers to the heavens and their hosts, the works of the Holy One, blessed be He, works through the contemplation of which man comes to bless Him, as it is written, ‘When I behold thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, etc. O Lord our God, how glorious is thy name in all the earth!’ “ (Ps. 8:4-10). (Zohar 1:2a Soncino)

“Elijah said to me, ‘Rabbi, the word was concealed with the blessed Holy One, and He revealed it in the Academy on High,” (Zohar 1:2a Pritzker)

The Zohar continues:

When the most Mysterious wished to reveal Himself, He first produced a single point which was transmuted into a thought, and in this He executed innumerable designs, and engraved innumerable gravings. He further graved within the sacred and mystic lamp a mystic and most holy design, which was a wondrous edifice issuing from the midst of thought. This is called MI, and was the beginning of the edifice, existent and non-existent, deep-buried, unknowable by name. It was only called MI (Who?).

It desired to become manifest and to be called by name. It therefore clothed itself in a refulgent and precious garment and created ELeH (these), and ELeH acquired a name. The letters of the two words intermingled, forming the complete name ELoHIM (God). (When the Israelites sinned in making the golden calf, they alluded to this mystery in saying ’Eleh (these are) thy Gods, O Israel’ (Exod. XXXII, 4).) And once MI became combined with ELeH, the name remained for all time. And upon this secret the world is built.” (Zohar 1:2a Soncino)

And then we read:

“Then Elijah flew off; I did not see him. From him I discovered the word, whose mysterious secret I have demonstrated.” (Zohar 1:2a Pritzker)

And finally:

R. Eleazar and all the companions came and prostrated themselves before him, weeping for joy and saying, ‘If we had come into the world only to hear this we should have been content.’ (Zohar 1:2a Soncino)

(I have switched between the two versions of the Zohar because I do not have time today to prepare a fresh translation of the Aramaic of this material for you, and the Soncino version (which i can cut and paste from most easily) omits the term “word” which is actually key to the entire passage.)

This is part of what is meant by:

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.
2 The same was in the beginning with Elohim.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
(Yochanan 1:1-3)

Now is the time for the last days restoration on Nazarene Judaism, the faith of the original Jewish followers of Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah of Judaism!

We need your support for this important work! And in these challenging times, we need your support more than ever! Rent will be due in a week, and we need your help to raise it!

As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to donations@wnae.org or by Zelle or Go Fund Me

Click HERE to donate

Emergency: Split Tooth and Transmission

Shalom Chaverim,

As you know, my wife had a tooth split all the way down Friday evening. My wife’s regular dentist, on her insurance, was closed, so we were forced to take her to am emergency dental place. They wanted to charge $500 to pull the tooth! We chose to wait until her regular dentist opened today (paid them only for the x-rays and visit). Well the good news is that the regular dentist says he can save to tooth! (Thank goodness we did not let the hack emergency dentist pull it for $500!) and it will cost us, after insurance, about $500! (So it will cost us the same to save the tooth as the emergency place would have charged to pull it! So the procedure will be done on Wednesday, which gives us time to raise the money.

So we are still short $250 raising the money to clear the bills thru our bank account Tuesday night. We now need to raise $500 to save her tooth Wednesday. Our car will be out of the shop later this week, for another $500, my wife will need a medication next week that is $350 (our cost) and the rent will be due in about ten days!

The Bottom line is that due to these unexpected expenses, this has turned into a very tough month for us.

We need your help today!

On a different note, in recent weeks I have published many blogs dealing with elements parallel to the first three chapters of Matthew. We are building up the background material to soon publish the opening three chapters of the Gospel according to the Hebrews restored in Hebrew (the Nativity, the ministry of Yochanan and Yeshua’s immersion by Yochanan) restored in Hebrew and English! This will be a major start towards the goals of the Scripture Restoration Project!

As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to donations@wnae.org

Or click HERE to donate

Emergency Alert!

We must raise at least $500 by the end of the day Tuesday!

This has been a very tough month. Friday evening, my wife Kitty, split a tooth. This was not a chip, her molar was cracked all the way down. While she has dental coverage, her dentist was closed, and none of the emergency dental centers took her insurance, so we were forced to pay out of pocket for her emergency dental care. Meanwhile our car is still in the shop having the transmission replaced. So we are being hit with some large, unexpected bills. And our rent will still be due in just over ten days!

We need your help today!

As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to donations@wnae.org

Or click HERE to donate

Why was Yeshua Immersed?

Why was Yeshua Immersed?
James Scott Trimm

The Forth Century “Church Father” Jerome wrote concerning the Gospel according to the Hebrews (the original Jewish Gospel used by the ancinet Nazarenes):

In the Gospel according to the Hebrews, which is written in the Chaldee and Syrian language, but in Hebrew characters, and is used by the Nazarenes to this day (I mean the Gospel according to the Apostles, or, as is generally maintained, the Gospel according to Matthew, a copy of which is in the library at Caesarea), we find:

ecce mater domini et fratres eius dicebant ei: Joannes baptista baptizat in remissionem peccatorum, eamus et baptizemur ab eo. dixit autem eis: quid peccaui, ut uadam et baptizer ab eo? nisi forte hoc ipsum quod dixi ignorantia

Behold, the mother of our Lord and His brothers said to Him, John Baptist baptizes for the remission of sins; let us go and be baptized by him. But He said to them, what sin have I committed that I should go and be baptized by him? Unless, erchance, the very words which I have said is [a sin of] ignorance.
(in Jerome, Against Pelagius III.2)

This passage raises the obvious question: If Yochanan immersed unto the remission of sins (see Mt. 3:11; Mk. 1:4-5; Lk. 3:2-3, 7; Acts 19:3-4) and Yeshua was without sin (Heb. 4:15) then why should he be immersed for the remission of sins?

The concept of the “sin of ignorance” is found in the Torah (Lev. 4:2, 22, 27; 5:15-18; 22:14) and in Hebrews (Heb. 9:7). Messiah gave up certain qualities to become a man (Phil. 2:6-8; Heb. 2:7, 9, 14) and this apparently included omniscience, In Luke we are told that Messiah “grew and filled with wisdom” (Lk. 2:40, 52) and as an adult he did not have all of the knowledge of the Father (Mk. 13:32). This raises the possibility that Yeshua could have sinned in ignorance (Heb. 4:15 makes it clear that he did not, but that he could have), which is the point, made in the Goodnews according to the Hebrews here.

Note that the phrase “a sin of” is in brackets, meaning that it was not in the Latin of Jerome’s quote but was added by the translator as implied. The text might also be seen as Yeshua challenging his brothers by saying “I claim not to have sinned… are you saying I am ignorant and I really have sinned? And if so just when and where did I sin?”

Many people fail to realize what Messiah actually achieved. Messiah made daily choices as a human. He often wrestled with his nefesh (soul, self) pushing himself to make the right choice every time. While it is true that Messiah was able not to sin, do not mistake this to mean that Messiah was not able to sin. As we read in Hebrews:

For we do not have in this Cohen, one who is not able to bear our weakness, but one who was tempted on all sides like we, yet without sin.
(Heb. 4:15 HRV)

Many miss this very important point, and even think it is blasphemous to declare this wonderful truth: Messiah could have failed! Many seem to think there was no real risk involved! It is clear that in the garden of Gethsemane Messiah was weighed down with a battle to submit his human will to Elohim. It was a struggle, but he won.

But Messiah could have failed! It was possible! Otherwise he was not tempted in all things just as we have been. There would have been no risk involved. There would have been no real struggling to overcome temptation, if Messiah had not been able to sin in the first place. Messiah was able to sin, but he was also able not to sin.

Now is the time for the last days restoration on Nazarene Judaism, the faith of the original Jewish followers of Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah of Judaism!

We need your support for this important work! Our rent is due in just three days and we are $700 in the hole!

As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to donations@wnae.org or by Zelle or Go Fund Me.

Click HERE to donate

The Zohar Reveals Yeshua is the Stone the Builders Rejected!

The Zohar Reveals Yeshua is the Stone the Builders Rejected
James Scott Trimm

We read in Matthew:

38 Behold, your house is forsaken; to you desolate.
39 And I tell you, that you will not see Me here after,
until you say,
Blessed is He that comes in the Name of YHWH!
(Matt. 23:38-39)

Of course this is quoting Ps. 118:26:

“Blessed be he that comes in the Name of YHWH; we bless you out of the House of YHWH.” (Ps. 118:26).

Above this is the phrase “the stone the builders rejected is become the chief corner-stone” (Ps. 118:22)

Now we read in the Zohar concerning the stone that the builders rejected:

David, indeed, was king in this world and will be king in the time to come; hence “the stone the builders rejected is become the chief corner-stone”. For, when the sun turns away his face from the moon, and does not shine upon her, she has no light whatever and so does not shine, but is poverty-stricken and dark on all sides; but when the sun turns towards her and radiates his light upon her, then her face is illumined and she adorns herself for him as a woman for a man. She thus is then invested with the dominion of the world. So David adorned himself after this very manner. Now he would appear poor and dejected, but then again he would be revelling in riches. Hence David’s declaration, “I am small and despised, yet have I not forgotten thy precepts.” It behoves, indeed, every man to follow this example and to humble himself in every respect so as to become a vessel in which the Holy One, blessed be He, may find delight. This lesson has also been expounded in connection with the phrase, “with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit’ (Isa. LVII, 15).’
(Zohar 2:232b)

The Zohar says that when this stone is rejected “the sun turns away his face from the moon, and does not shine upon her.”

Earlier the Zohar says:

So it says: AND HIS HAND HAD HOLD ON ESAU’S HEEL , i.e he put his hand on Esau’s heel in order thereby to force him down. According to another explanation, the words “and his hand had hold” imply that he could not escape him entirely, but his hand was still clinging to his brother’s heel. Esoterically speaking, the moon was obscured through the heel of Esau; hence it was necessary to deal with him cunningly, so as to thrust him downwards and make him adhere to the region assigned to him.’
(Zohar 1:138a)

The moon is obscured “through the heel of Esau”, and therefore the stone is rejected “through the heel of Esau” because the sun “turns away his face”.

And to whom does the sun refer:

Moses asked: ‘ Shall they remain in pledge for ever?’ God replied: ‘No, only Until the sun appears’ that is, till the coming of the Messiah; for it says, But unto you that fear My name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings (Mal.3:20).
(Midrash Rabba Ex. 31:10)

So what does this mean?

It points us to Gen. 25:26 which reads:

And after that, came forth his brother. And his hand had hold on Esav’s heel, and his name was called Ya’akov. And Yitz’chak was threescore years old when she bore them.

ואחרי־כן יצא אחיו וידו אחזת בעקב עשו ויקרא שמו יעקב ויצחק בן־ששים שנה בלדת אתם

If we take the first letter of each word (a process called Notarikon) starting with the name Ya’akov (Jacob) and ending with Esav (Esau) going backwards we spell the name YESHUA (ישוע), and if we continue through the next two words we read “Yeshua comes.” (ישוע בא)

So the moon is obscured in shining the light of Messiah by the heal of Esau.

Now the last letter in YESHUA (ישוע) in the Hebrew is an AYIN (ע) and that is the initial letter of the name ESAU in “Esau’s heel”. So if the heal of “Esau” is taken from YESHUA we have “YESHU” (ישו).

“Yeshu” is a name used in Rabbinic Judaism which refers to the anathema Rabbinic Judaism associates with Yeshua.

For Rabbinic Jews is is a acronym for a curse on the name of Yeshua meaning “may the name be blotted out forever”.

But Yeshua said:

38 Behold, your house is forsaken; to you desolate.
39 And I tell you, that you will not see Me here after,
until you say,
Blessed is He that comes in the Name of YHWH!
(Matt. 23:38-39)

They will say “Blessed is He that comes in the Name of YHWH!” (Ps. 118:26) when they accept the “stone that the builders rejected” (Ps. 118:22). This happens when the AYIN is restored to the name YESHUA, the reversal of the anathema, thus the Messiah, the Sun of Righteousness, will shine his light on the moon, which was obscured by the “heel of Esau”. And when the “heel of Esau” no longer obscures the “Sun of Righteousness” and YESHU is restored to YESHUA, then we can clearly see that “Yeshua comes”!

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai knew that Yeshua is the Messiah, the stone that the builders rejected and the Servant of Isaiah 53, and he hid this information in the Zohar!

This is one of the reasons I have been working on a Free Online Commentary to the Zohar. If you really want to understand the Gospel of Yochanan (especially Yochanan Chapter 1) you really need to understand the Zohar.

Now is the time for the last days restoration on Nazarene Judaism, the faith of the original Jewish followers of Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah of Judaism!

OWe must raise at least $700 by the end of the day today (5/13/24) or our account will plunge into the negative, starting a chain reaction of returned items and fees! We need your help today!

As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to donations@wnae.org or by Zelle or Go Fund Me.

Click HERE to donate

Commentary to Yochanan 3 Posted

Shalom Chaverim,

I have just posted my Commentary to Yochanan Chapter 3 and invite you all to take a look. Find out, from a Jewish perspective:

Who was Nicodemus?

What does “Born Again” really mean?

What is the Kingdom of Elohim?

What does the Brazen Serpent in the Wilderness have to do with Yeshua?

What does the famous Bible verse John 3:16 really mean?

Take a look and find out: Commentary to Yochanan Chapter 3

This is part of the Free Online Scripture Commentaries I am working on.

This is one of many projects I am working on. as part of this great work of the restoration of Nazarene Judaism!

We need your support for this important work! And in these challenging times, we need your support more than ever! Rent will be due in less than two weeks, and right now we do not have it!

As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to donations@wnae.org

Or click HERE to donate