James Trimm’s Nazarene Commentary on Romans
Author: Paul
Original Language: The Book of Romans may have originally been written in Hebrew or Aramaic, the oldest Aramaic text surviving is that of the Peshitta.
Audience: Nazarenes in Rome
Theme and Purpose: To expound upon the foundational concept of Judaism, as stated by Antigones of Soko:
Be not like servants who serve their master for the sake of wages, but be like servants who serve their master with no thought of a wage – and let the fear of Heaven be upon you.
(m.Avot 1:3)
Outline of Romans
I. Opening Comments (Rom. 1:1-14)
A. From Paul (1:1-5)
B. To Romans (1:6-15)
II. Being Counted as Righteous (Rom. 1:16-4:25)
A. The Just Shall Live by Faith (1:16-32)
B. He Recompenses to Everyone According to His Works (2:1-3:8)
- He Judges all Men (2:1-16)
- True Jews have a Circumcised Heart (2:17-29)
- What Advantage Has the Jew? (3:1-4)
- Is Eloah Unrighteous to Judge the Earth (3:5-6)
- Shoud we Do Evil That Good May Come? (3:7-8)
C. There is None Righteous (3:9-31)
- Jews and Gentiles all under Sin. (3:9-30)
D. Iniquity Can Be Forgiven (4:1-25)
- Avraham’s Faith was Apart from Works (4:1-5)
- Blessed is He Who’s Iniquities are Forgiven (4:6-8)
E. Avraham was Counted Righteous by Faith
- Avraham’s Faith Came Before Circumcision (4:9-10)
- Avraham’s Faith was Sealed by Circumcision (4:11-15)
- Avraham was Our Example (4:16-25)
III. The Two Souls (5-8)
A. The Origin of the Two Souls (Rom. 5)
- Our Divine Soul: The Ruach HaKodesh (5:1-11)
- Adam: The Origin if the Yetzer Ra (5:12-14)
- The Divine Soul is Superior to the Yetzer Ra (5:15-21)
B. We Uplold Torah Observance (Rom. 6)
- Shall We Continue in Sin that Grace May Abound? (6:1-14)
- Shall We Sin Because We Are Not Under the Law? (6:15-23)
C. We are Freed by the Torah (7:1-6)
D. Is the Torah Sin? (7:7-12)
E. Was that which is Good Made Death to Us? (7:13-14)
F. The Struggle Between the Two Souls (7:15-25)
G. Through the Ruach HaKodesh we Defeat the Yetzer Ra (8:1-39)
IV. Salvation for Ephraim and Judah (Rom. 9-11)
A. Israel as the Chosen People (9:1-33)
- The Promise belongs to Israel (9:1-5)
- The Seed and Childern of Abraham (9:6-8) (2Chron. 20:7; Ps. 105:7 & Gen. 21:12)
- Sons of Sarah and Rivkah (9:9-10) (Gen. 18:14)
- Israel the Chosen People (9:11-23)
- Ephraim became “not my people” (9:24-28)
- The Remnant (9:29) (Is. 1:9)
B. The Messiah is a stumbling stone to both Houses (9:30-10:21)
- stumbling stone for both houses (9:30-10:3)
- The Messiah is the Torah (10:4-8)
- Call upon YHWH for Salavation (10:9-15)
- Those that rejected Messiah (10:16-21)
- Elohim has not rejected his people (11:1-10)
- Salvation Comes to the Gentiles (11:11-15)
- The Parable of the Olive Tree (11:16-24)
- All Israel Shall Be Saved (11:25-32)
V. Halachic Concerns (Rom. 12-15:13)
VI. Close (Rom. 15:14-16:27)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16