Psalm 81

James Trimm’s Nazarene Commentary on Psalm 81


4 (81:3) Blow the horn at the new moon; at the full moon for our feast-day.
5 (81:4) For it is a statute for Yisra’el; an ordinance of the Elohim of Ya’akov.
6 (81:5) He appointed it in Yosef for a testimony, when He went forth against the land of Egypt. The speech of one that I knew not, did I hear:
(Psalm 81:4(3)-6(5) HRV)

Rabbi A.J. Rosenberg translates verse 6:

As a testimony for Jehoseph, He ordained it, when he went forth over the land of Egypt, [when] I understood a language that I had not known.
(Psalm 81:6 Rabbi A.J. Rosenberg Translation)

Blow the horn at the new moon Rashi writes: “On Rosh Hashanah, Joseph went out of prison.” 

The speech of one that I knew not, did I hear: Rashi comments: “It is explained in tractate Sotah (36b) that [the angel] Gabriel taught him seventy languages.”

Rashi here refers to an account concerning Joseph, found in the Talmud:

Rabbi Hiyya ben Abba said in the name of Rabbi Johanan: “At the moment when Pharaoh said to Joseph, And without thee shall no man lift up his hand, Pharaoh’s astrologers exclaimed: ‘Wilt thou set in power over us a slave whom his master bought for twenty pieces of silver!’ He replied to them, ‘discern in him royal characteristics.’ They said to him, ‘in that case he must be acquainted with the seventy languages.’ Angel Gabriel came and taught [Joseph] the seventy languages, but he could not learn them. Thereupon [Gabriel] added to his name a letter from the Name of the Holy One, blessed be He, and he knew [the languages]…”
(b.Sotah 36b)

As also recorded in the Book of Jasher

And the angel roused him from his sleep, and Joseph rose up and stood upon his legs, and behold the angel of the Lord was standing opposite to him; and the angel of the Lord spoke with Joseph, and he taught him all the languages of man in that night, and he called his name Jehoseph.
(Jasher 49:14)

And thus the Targum to Psalms renders:

4 Blow the horn in the month of Tishri, in the month in which the day of our festivals is concealed.
5 For he made a covenant for Israel; it is a legal ruling of the God of Jacob.
6 He made it a testimony for Joseph, who did not go near the wife of his master; on that day he went out of the prison and ruled over all the land of Egypt. The tongue I did not know I have taught [and] heard.
(Targum of Psalms on Ps. 81)

This gives us an “Old Testament” example of the “gift of tongues”