Isaiah Chapter 31

James Trimm’s Nazarene Commentary on Isaiah Chapter 31


6 Turn you unto Him against whom you have deeply rebelled,
O children of Yisra’el.
7 For in that day they shall cast away every man,
his idols of silver, and his idols of gold,
which your own hands have made unto you for a sin.
8 Then shall Assyria fall with the sword–not of man–
and the sword not of men, shall devour him:
and he shall flee from the sword,
and his young men shall become tributary.
9 And his rock shall pass away by reason of terror,
and his princes shall be dismayed at the ensign, says YHWH,
whose fire is in Tziyon,
and His furnace in Yerushalayim.
(Isaiah 31:6-9 HRV)

The Ancient Nazarene Commentary on Isaiah (c. 250 CE) says:

פשרו שובו אליו ולשליחיו את בני ישראל אשר ביד עצה רעה מכחישים בן אלהים כי אם תשובו אז ימאסון בל האלילים אשר קדם החטיא אתכם ונפל לפניך את השטן לא בגברכם כי אם בחסד של אלהים ובחוריו אשר קדם בעדו ויהיו עבדי קהילה וגברו וסלעו יעבור ויחזור אחורה הפילוסופים של כל התועים את הנס הצליבה כי זה חק יהוה יעשה אשר אור לו בציון ותנור לו בירושלם

Its interpretation: Sons of Israel, which through bad council deny the Son of Elohim, turn to Him and His Emissaries. For if you will repent then you will cast away all idols which before caused you to sin, and HaSatan will fall before you, not because of your power, but because of the mercy of Elohim. And his young men, who before fought for him, will become servants of the Assembly and his power and stone will pass. And the Philosophers of every error will turn their backs to the miracle of the crucifixion. Because this decree of YHWH shall be done, whose fire [or light] is in Tzion and his furnace in Yerushalayim.