Shalom Chaverim,
We live in amazing times! Prophecy is being fulfilled all around us every day! In these last days we are seeing women aborting their own babies (1Enoch 99:5) pestilence, war, rumors related to war (Matthew 24:4-8), sky rocketing wheat prices (Rev. 6:5-6), and the Land of Magog becoming aggressive (Ezekiel 38-39)!
Today’s headlines seem ripped right out of the pages of biblical prophecy! And while these things may be the “beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:8) There is also great reason to rejoice, because these are also days of restoration! A major prophetic event that the Scriptures state will occur before the return of Messiah, is happening right now!
This will be a last days restoration of Torah truth, as the Book of Enoch states that it was written “for those who will come after him, and keep the Torah in the last days.” (1Enoch 108:1)
… but in the land of their captivities they shall remember themselves.
And shall know that I am YHWH their Elohim: for I will give them a
heart, and ears to hear: And they shall praise me in the land of their
captivity, and think upon my name, And return from their stiff neck,
and from their wicked deeds: for they shall remember the way of their
fathers, which sinned before YHWH. And I will bring them again into
the land which I promised with an oath unto their fathers, Avraham,
Yitzchak, and Ya’akov, and they shall be masters of it: and I will
increase them, and they shall not be diminished. And I will make an
everlasting covenant with them to be their Elohim, and they shall be
my people: and I will no more drive my people of Israel out of the
land that I have given them.
(Barukh (Baruch) 2:30-35)
Romans 11 discusses this stage of the restoration, but it also tells us that an even more powerful stage will involve Judah being grafted back into its own olive tree:
And if their stumbling became riches for the world, and their loss, riches to the
Goyim:how much more therefore,their fullness?
(Rom. 11:12 HRV)
For if their reprobation was reconciliation to the world, how much more therefore,their return, but life that is from among the dead?
(Rom. 11:15 HRV)
23 And those, if they do not remain in their lack of trust, also will be grafted in: for Eloahis able to graft them in again.
24 For if you, who are from the olive [tree] that was wild by your nature, were cut off andwere grafted–contrary to your nature–into the good olive [tree], how much more then,those, if they be grafted in their natural olive [tree]?
(Rom. 11:23-24 HRV)
Paul says here: You think the restoration of Ephraim is great, wait until you see the restoration of Judah!
That is what this restoration work is about, not just the grafting in of Ephraim (although that is part of it) but the restoration of Judah, the restoration of the ancient sect of Nazarene Judaism, the original Jewish followers!
Enoch the Prophet prophecies a last days restoration:
10 And the righteous shall arise from their sleep, and wisdom shall arise and be given unto them.
11 And they shall have rooted out the foundations of violence and the structure of falsehood in it, to execute judgment.
(1Enoch 91:10-11)
This will be a last days restoration of Torah truth, as the Book of Enoch states that it was written “for those who will come after him, and keep the Torah in the last days.” (1Enoch 108:1)
Enoch the Prophet prophecies that the restoration would include a bonus, a restoration of lost books:
But when they write down truthfully all my words in their languages, and do not change or diminish ought from my words but write them all down truthfully –all that I first testified concerning them. Then, I know another mystery, that books will be given to the righteous and the wise to become a cause of joy and uprightness and much wisdom. And to them shall the books be given, and they shall believe in them and rejoice over them, and then shall all the righteous who have learnt therefore all the paths of uprightness be recompensed.’
(1Enoch 104:10-13)
Enoch was speaking of this generation. I have been given several projects that will put more of the Word of YHWH into the hands of the people. There is much work to be done, and less time than ever in which to get it done.
The time is near at hand in which “the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.” (Isaiah 29:18)
The purpose of the Scripture Restoration Project is the prophetic fulfillment of 1Enoch 104:10-13 and Isaiah 29:18!
The Scripture Restoration Project is a project to literally restore much of what has been lost in our Scriptures. The books of the so-called New Testament were written in Hebrew and Aramaic and were only later translated into Greek, Latin and other European languages.
Back in 2005 (revised in 2008) I wrote a book called The Hebrew and Aramaic Origin of the New Testament, in which I documented the relationships between the various Hebrew and Aramaic Source texts which have come down to us as well as that of the various Greek text types, and how they relate to the original Hebrew and Aramaic. Today we have the original text in scattered bits and pieces in various sources. But we do have enough information, from these various sources, to reconstruct the original text. I have spent my entire adult life studying these sources and learning their interrelationships. Now I have been led, or more correctly, directed, to restore the original Hebrew texts!
This will take months, even years, but we will publish the work as we go, so you will not have to wait months and years to reap the rewards of this work!
In recent days I began working on the opening portion of Luke (since these events are the first earthly events of the Four Gospels). I have started publishing my Commentary on Luke Chapter 1 and this led to a detailed examination of the Hebrew and Aramaic sources we have for this material. I began a detailed analysis of a manuscript containing Luke 1:1-35 in Hebrew, which was released by the Vatican. This detailed analysis involves comparing each and every word of each and every verse with the most ancient Aramaic, Greek and Latin manuscripts.
One interesting feature of this Hebrew manuscript of Luke, is that it has Luke 1:1-4 as a preface, and then has the “Chapter 1” heading immediately above Luke 1:5.
As I made my comparisons, I found that Luke 1:1-4 in this version, did *not* follow the general sentence structure of the Aramaic Old Syriac text of Luke 1:1-4, but that beginning in verse 5, the Hebrew and Aramaic follow very similar vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure. (I have thus far made detailed comparisons of 1:1-7). In fact the transition is striking as suddenly beginning in verse 5 the two texts become parallel.
This is very significant, because Hebrew and Aramaic are similar languages. They are so similar that the Book of Daniel shifts back and forth between the two languages. Hebrew and Aramaic are written in the same 22 letter alefbeit, their vocabularies share many of the same roots, and their grammar is very similar. If one looks at a literal Aramaic translation of the Hebrew original, one can almost see the Hebrew behind that text. Such is the case with the Aramaic Peshitta text of Ben Sira, which is a literal Aramaic translation of the original Hebrew of Ben Sira (found among the Dead Sea Scrolls and Cairo Geniza) and not a translation from the Greek Septuagint version.
This is also significant because the Hebrew DuTillet version of Matthew has a similar relationship to the Old Syriac Aramaic text of Matthew. And while these Hebrew texts are relatively late, our oldest manuscript of the Old Syriac Aramaic text dates to the Fourth Century.
It is also interesting that the Hebrew Luke has the first four verses separated from the text of Chapter 1. The original Hebrew source from which this Hebrew version was taken must have lacked the preface, and it must have been added from another source. This would explain why it was separated from the main text of chapter one, and why id does not follow that sentence structure and vocabulary of the Old Syriac Aramaic as the text does beginning at verse 5.
Another point that I noticed in my analysis is that the Hebrew of this manuscript of Luke 1:1 says that the author wrote “an account of the things which among us, they are trustworthy” סיפור הדברים אשר בינינו הם נאמנים
The word נאמנים “trustworthy” from the root אמן “believe” could only have been derived from the Greek πεπληροφορημένων which literally means “to bring in full measure, to fulfill” but can be taken more idiomatically as it is in the KJV of this verse “most surely believed” while the Aramaic of the Old Syriac has here משמלין “fulfilled, completed”. So these first four verses were almost certainly a translation from the Greek.
Why the Hebrew source for this Hebrew manuscript lacked these first four verses, is unclear. It may be that a scribe had at some very early point dropped them, thinking that they were only a colophon, and not part of the actual book, or the source may have been damaged, perhaps missing the page on which these verses would have appeared.
Fortunately we still have the Aramaic of these first four verses preserved in the Old Syriac and we can clearly see the Hebrew behind that Aramaic text.
In regards to my health issues, I am having a lot of tests run, and I have referrals to two different specialists, all of these have co-pays, and our rent is due in less than a week, so we definitely need your financial support now more than ever.

We need your financial support now more than ever!
As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall. As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.
If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.
Epiphanius of Salamis (5th century)
Says Hebrew Luke at the time lacked those four versus.
(Im not sure about the Aramaic version from the Jewish circles)
Can you give me a reference? Is it in Panarion?
I believe so, but Epiphanius implies it to GH but it is obviously from Luke 1:5 (or could this be the Ebonite version?) please correct me if so.
Actually Epiphanius says that the Ebionite version of the Gospel according to the Hebrews began with a parallel to Matthew 3:1 = Luke 3:1, so this is not simply omitting the material of Luke 1:1-4. Epiphanius does mention Hebrew copies of John and Acts in his time period, but does not mention a Hebrew Luke, nor say that it lacked the preface (Luke 1:1-4). I suspect that the preface is an authentic part of the original of Luke, but that a predecessor to the Hebrew Vatican manuscript was lacking it, and that a scribe had replaced it with a translation from the Greek text of Luke 1:1-4.
Did Luke Originally Begin at Luke 1:5?