James Trimm’s Nazarene Commentary on 1Corinthians Chapter 1
18 For the word of the gallows is foolishness to the perishing, but to us who are living, it is the power of Eloah.
19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will take away the understanding of the intelligent
20 Where is the wise? Or where is the scribe? Or where is the commentator of this world? Behold, has not Eloah made foolish, the wisdom of this world?
(1Cor. 1:18-20 HRV)
In 1Cor. 1:18-20 the same “wisdom” of which we are later told is “…in the mystery that was hidden … before separates from before the ages… which Eloah had prepared for those who love him.” (1Cor. 2:7-9) is also the “wisdom” which “takes away the wisdom of the wise” in 1Cor. 1:19 quoting Isaiah 29:14. In Isaiah 29:15 this wisdom is the contents of the sealed book (Is. 29:11-12, 14, 18). In Revelation this book is opened by the “lamb as if it was slain” (Rev. 5:6) a lamb slain “before the foundation of the world.” (Rev. 13:8). (See Commentary to Gen. 22:1-14)