Upon the occasion of a display of an Aramaic manuscript of the New Testament at the Library of Congress in 1954, the Reverend Fredrick Brown Harris, Chaplain to the United States Senate wrote:
…it is written in the language used by Jesus, who spake as never man spake, as the vehicle for his deathless concepts of life. Here are the very syllables as they fell from his lips when the matchless Teacher was here among men. It is a record to make the heart leap with excitement. Somehow, it is like hearing the One whose birth broke the ages in two, talking to our modern age without a language barrier between. Here is not a translation of the words, but the words themselves of that One who… declared: ‘My words shall not pass away. They are spirit and they are life.’ –
This week I posted three four short “bumper sticker” type statements on my personal Facebook Page:
Yeshua did not come to create a new religion. He came to be the Jewish Messiah of Judaism.
The original followers of Yeshua as the Messiah were not “Christians”. They were a sect of Jews known as “Nazarene Judaism”.
Two things the “New Testament Church” did not have: 1) a New Testament and 2) a Church.
The New Testament was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic and only later translated into Greek, Latin and other European languages.
Of course all of these drew some negative feedback (and around 100 “likes” each). But to my surprise, the biggest negative reaction was to the Hebrew and Aramaic origin of the “New Testament”.
Some of the replies claimed that there was no evidence whatsoever for a Hebrew and Aramaic origin of the “New Testament”. Others made false claims that no Hebrew or Aramaic manuscripts existed for any of the “New Testament”. Others responded with tired old arguments about the NT quoting the Septuagint, Luke being a Gentile writing to a Greek (Theophilus) or Paul writing to Greek speaking congregations. All of these tired arguments were debunked long ago.
For some time now my book The Hebrew and Aramaic Origin of the New Testament has needed an update. It is my intention t post the new revised book online for free here. It will take some time to type the material in. It cannot just be cut and pasted from the book because the original Word file has been lost and even the PDF is of limited value, because it was originally written and produced at a time when Hebrew fonts were used, with a different keyboard map, than modern ASCII Hebrew letters. However, it is important to get this material out on the internet for free, so that it can be disseminated as widely as possible.
In fact my new strategy for some time now, is not to try to sell books. The fact is that writing and selling books is a losing proposition. It limits the dissemination of material to those that buy and read the book, and book sales are just deplorable as well. My new strategy has been to endeavor to get all of my information out on the internet for free, to be disseminated as widely as possible, and to seek funding for this effort from voluntary freewill offerings and tithes of those who have a desire to see this material disseminated as widely as possible!
This is becoming a more difficult proposition, as inflation has increased prices, subtracting from the buying power of donations coming in, and leaving donors with less disposable income with which to donate. In other words, donations have decreased at a time we desperately need them to increase.
Do not let inflation destroy this very important work!

In these trying economic times donations are way down while prices are all way up! We need your help today!
As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.
If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.