The Prophecy of Ester Fulfilled: Ten Sons of Haman Hanged in 1946!

The Prophecy of Ester Fulfilled
Ten Sons of Haman Hanged in 1946!
James Scott Trimm

I am sure you all know the Purim story as found in the Book of Ester, but there is an amazing prophecy buried in the original Hebrew of this book that you may not have heard of. In the Book of Ester Haman the son of Hamdata wanted “to destroy, to kill, and to exterminate” all Jews. In the end however the Jews defeated Haman and those who wished to destroy them. The climax of their victory was the execution of the ten sons of Haman, whose names the book details.
An interesting dialogue takes place between Queen Esther and Ahasverus just a few verses later:

12 And the king said unto Ester the queen, The Jews have slain and destroyed five hundred men in Shushan the castle, and the ten sons of Haman. What then have they done in the rest of the king’s provinces? Now whatever your petition, it shall be granted you, and whatever your request further, it shall be done.
13 Then said Ester, If it please the king, let it be granted to the Jews that are in Shushan, to do tomorrow also, according unto this day’s decree: and let Haman’s ten sons be hanged upon the gallows.
14 And the king commanded it so to be done, and a decree was given out in Shushan: and they hanged Haman’s ten sons.
(Ester 9:12-14 HRV)

Esther’s request seems odd. The ten sons of Haman had already been killed, why bother to hang them? In the writings of the Rabbis and the Midrashim, we find several thoughts that could elaborate on this: On the word “tomorrow,” in Esther’s request, the Rabbis comment:

“There is a tomorrow that is now, and a tomorrow which is later.” (Tanchuma Bo 13 and Rashi on Exodus 13:14).

In other words, Esther was prophesying that the hanging of Haman’s ten sons would not be a single episode in history, but would be repeated at a future “tomorrow” as well.

Lets look at the original Hebrew of the Book of Ester…we can clearly see, at first glance, that the list of Haman’s sons appears on a separate page, written in a prominent, special manner:

The left-hand column contains the word v’et (and) ten times. According to the Thirty Two Rules of Eliezer, the word v’et is used to denote replication. Thus, we may conclude that another ten people are also to be hung in addition to Haman’s ten sons.

Who would these ten men be?

Lets now go forward in time 2,300 years forward in time…. Special newspaper editions on October 16, 1946 reported the execution of ten Nazi war criminals found guilty by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal.

It should be noted Adolf Hitler banned the observance of Purim, declaring it a capital offense to possess a copy of the Book of Esther. In a speech made on November 10, 1938, (the day after kristallnacht), A prominant Nazi named Julius Streicher said that just as “the Jew butchered 75,000 Persians” in one night, the same fate would have befallen the German people had the Jews succeeded in inciting a war against Germany; the “Jews would have instituted a new Purim festival in Germany.”

As a matter of fact many of the Nazi attacks against Jews often coincided with Purim. On Purim 1942, ten Jews were hanged in Zduńska Wola supposedly to avenge the hanging of Haman’s ten sons. In a similar incident in 1943, the Nazis shot 10 Jews from the Piotrków ghetto. On Purim eve that same year, over 100 Jewish doctors and their families were shot by the Nazis in Czestochowa. The following day, Jewish doctors were taken from Radom and shot nearby in Szydlowiec.

In an apparent connection made by Hitler between his Nazi regime and the role of Haman, he stated in a speech made on January 30, 1944, that if the Nazis were defeated, the Jews could celebrate “a second Purim”.
Amazingly, this outcome is hinted at in the Book of Esther!…

According to Nachmanides (the introduction to his commentary on Genesis) any change from the usual way of writing a word or letter indicates some hidden meaning in a text.

If we examine the list of Haman’s sons, we notice that three letters are written smaller:

the taf of Parshandata
the shin of Parmashta
the zayin of Vizata
(The enlarged vav of Vizata may refer to the sixth millenium.)

The three letters together form taf-shin-zayin, the Jewish year 5707 (1946 C.E.), the year that the ten Nazi criminals were executed.

Of the twenty three Nazi war criminals on trial in Nuremberg, eleven were in fact sentenced to execution by hanging. But just two hours before the sentence was due to be carried out, Goering committed suicide–so that only 10 descendants of Amalek were hung, thus fulfilling the request of Esther:

“let Haman’s ten sons be hanged.”

Furthermore, although the trial was conducted by a military tribunal, the sentence handed down was not the normal death by firing squad, or by electric chair as practiced in the U.S.A. However, the court specifically prescribed hanging, exactly as in Esther’s prophetic request:

“let Haman’s ten sons be hanged.”

None of this was lost on Julius Streicher….[as The New York Herald Tribune of October 16, 1946 reported after he ascended to the gallows] “With burning hatred in his eyes, Streicher looked down at the witnesses and shouted his last words as he was hanged: “Purim Fest 1946!”…

If we examine the calendar for that month. The date of the execution (October 16, 1946) fell on the Jewish festival of “Hoshana Rabba” (21 Tishrei). This is the traditional day all of Elohim’s verdicts are sealed.

We need your help today! Over $1000 in bills will be hitting our account in the next couple of days, our rent is due in just two weeks (4-1-24) and we do not have it!

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

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The Long Version of Esther and Spiritual Warfare

The Long Version of Esther and Spiritual Warfare
James Scott Trimm

Although the lack of the presence of the use of the Sacred Name of YHWH is conspicuous in the short version of Esther, the name of YHWH seems to be shouting from between the lines of almost every verse.  As we have shown in a recent study, the name of YHWH appears hidden in key locations of the original Hebrew of the short version.

What is shouting from between the lines of the short version is very clear in the long version of Esther.  In this book we see the working of an invisible Elohim whose people are keenly aware of his presence around them.  The story reveals the threads of apparent coincidences woven by Elohim into a pattern of salvation.

The long version of Esther reveals plainly to us that Spiritual Warfare was very much involved in driving the events of this book forward.  The long version therefore shows a fundamental connection between Purim and the Feast of Nicanor (which receded Purim by one day, and effectively stretches Purim into a three day festival complex).  As we recently demonstrated in another teaching, the story behind the Feast of Nicanor, also deals with victory through Spiritual Warfare and Intercessory Prayer.  The long version begins with Mordecai receiving a Prophecy in the form of a Word of Wisdom from YHWH:

1  In the second year of the reign of Artaxerxes the great king, on the first day of Nisan, Mordecai the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin,
2  Jew dwelling in the city Susa, a great man, serving in the king’s palace, saw a vision.
3  Now he was of the captivity which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had carried captive from Jerusalem, with Jechoniah the king of Judah.
4  And this was his dream: Behold, voices and a noise, thunders and earthquake, tumult upon the earth.
5  And, behold, two great dragons came forth, both ready for conflict, and there came from them a great voice,
6  and by their voice every nation was prepared for battle, even to fight against the nation of the just.
7  And, behold, a day of darkness and blackness, tribulation and anguish, affliction and great tumult upon the earth.
8  And all the righteous nation was troubled, fearing their own afflictions; and they prepared to die, and cried to Elohim:
9  and from their cry there came as it were a great river from a little fountain, even much water.
10  And light and the sun arose, and the lowly were exalted, and devoured the honourable.
(Esther A:4-10)

(This appears almost verbatim in the Midrash Rabbah as well).  Mordecai then meditates on the Word of Wisdom, seeking the Discerning of the Spirit so that he might transform the Word of Wisdom into a Word of Knowledge:

11  And Mordecai, who had seen this vision and what Elohim
designed to do, having arisen, kept it in his heart, and desired by all means to interpret it, even till night.
(Esther A:11)

After learning of Haman’s plot Mordecai engages in spiritual warfare, through intercessory prayer:

1  And he besought YHWH, making mention of all the works of YHWH; and he said,
2  O YHWH, YHWH, King ruling over all, for all things are in Your power, and there is none that shall oppose You in Your purpose to save Israel:
3  for You have made the heaven and the earth, and every wondrous thing in the world under the heaven:
4  and You are Adon of all, and there is none that shall resist You, YHWH.
5  You know all things: You know, YHWH, that it is neither in insolence, nor haughtiness, nor love of glory, that I have done this, to refuse obeisance to the haughty Haman;
6  for I would gladly have kissed the soles of his feet for the safety of Israel.
7  But I have done this, that I might not set the glory of man above the glory of Elohim: and I will not worship any one but You, my YHWH; and I will not do these things in haughtiness.
8  And now, O Adonai YHWH, the King, the Elohim of Abraham, spare Your people, for our enemies look upon us to our destruction, and have desired to destroy Your ancient inheritance.
9  Overlook not Your portion, which You have redeemed out of the land of Egypt for Your own self.
10  Hear my prayer, and be propitious unto Your inheritance, and turn our mourning into gladness, that we may live and sing praise unto Your Name, O YHWH: and destroy not utterly the mouth of them that praise You, O YHWH.
11  And all Israel cried with all their might, because their death was before their eyes.
(Esther C:1-11)

A similar account appear in the Midrash Rabbah adds that he gathered the Yeshiva boys to fast and pray in intercessory prayer as a group:

He collected the school-children and kept them without bread and water and put sackcloth on them and made them sit among the ashes, and they went on crying and weeping and studying the Torah.

Notice that they also studied Torah as part of the Spiritual Warfare.  When I first became a believer in Messiah I was told by the leader of the Messianic congregation I was attending that I was to intellectual and not spiritual enough.  During praise and worship time, while everyone was standing up and singing praises with their hands lifted up, I would at times sit down and study my Scriptures.  Then one day Rabbi Moyal visited.  Moyal was an Orthodox Rabbi from Israel who had become a believer in Messiah.  They told him that I was to intellectual and not spiritual enough because I would at times study the Scriptures during worship time.  He told me not to let these detractors bother me and that the truth is that Torah study is worship!  This was a wonderful truth we all need to learn.  It is a truth that Mordecai knew, and it played a part in the Spiritual Warfare and Intercessory Prayer he was directing.

Ether also, in the long version, engages in Intercessory Prayer asking YHWH’s help in the Spiritual realm while she set forth to enact her plan in the natural realm (this also appears in an abbreviated form in the Midrash Rabbah):

12  Queen Esther also betook herself for refuge unto YHWH, being taken as it were in the agony of death;
13  and having taken off her glorious apparel, she put on garments of anguish and mourning: and instead of grand perfumes, she filled her head with ashes, and humbled her body greatly, and every place of her glad adorning she filled with the torn curls of her hair: and she besought the Adonai YHWH of Israel,
14  and said,  my Adon, You only art our King: help me which am destitute, and have no helper but You;
15  for my danger is in my hand.
16  From my birth I have heard in the tribe of my family, that You, O YHWH, took Israel out of all the nations, and our fathers out of all their kindred, for a perpetual inheritance, and You have wrought for them all that You have said.
17  And now we have sinned before You; and You have delivered us into the hands of our enemies,
18  because we honoured their gods: Thou are righteous, O YHWH.
19  Nevertheless they have not been contented with the bitterness of our slavery, but have laid their hands on the hands of their idols,
20  to abolish the decree of Your mouth, and utterly to destroy Your inheritance, and to stop the mouth of them that praise You, and to quench the glory of Your House and Your Alter,
21  and to open the mouth of the nations to set forth the virtues of vanities, and in order that a mortal king should be admired for ever.
22  YHWH, resign not Your scepter unto them that are not, and let them not laugh at our fall; but turn their counsel against themselves, and make an example of him that has begun this against us.
23  Remember us, O YHWH, make Yourself known in the time of our affliction, and encourage me, O king of gods, and ruler of all dominion.
24  Put harmonious speech into my mouth before the lion, and turn his heart to hate him that fights against us, to the utter destruction of him, and of them that consent with him.
25  But deliver us by Your hand, and help me, who am destitute, and have none but You, O YHWH.
26  You know all things, and know that I hate the glory of transgressors, and that I abhor the couch of the uncircumcised, and of every stranger.
27  You know my necessity, for I abhor the symbol of my proud station, which is upon my head in the days of my being seen: I abhor it as a menstruous cloth, and I wear it not in the days of my tranquility.
28  And Your handmaid has not eaten at Haman’s table, and I have not honoured the king’s feast, nor drunk the wine of libations.
29  Neither has Your handmaid rejoiced since the day of my promotion until now, except in You, O Adonai YHHW of Abraham.
30  Elohim, who hast power over all, hearken to the voice of the desperate, and deliver us from the hand of them that imagine mischief; and deliver me out of my fear.
(Esther C:12-30)

In the long version the power of prayer, fasting and Torah Study, and the manifestations of the Ruach HaKodesh were very much a part of the events that led to the victory of the Jews over Haman’s plot.  The Long version ends by reminding us of Mordecai’s vision at the beginning of the book, and how this vision led to Spiritual Warfare and a victory which we celebrate as Purim to this very day:

1  And Mordecai said, These things are done of Elohim.
2  For I remember concerning the dream that I had concerning these things: for not even one word of them has failed.
3  There was the little fountain, that became a river, and there was light, and much sun, and water. The river is Esther, whom the king married, and made queen.
4  The two dragons are I myself and Haman.
5  And the nations are those nations that combined to destroy the name of the Jews.
6  But as for my nation, this is Israel, even they that cried unto YHWH, and were delivered: for YHWH delivered His people, and YHWH rescued us out of all these calamities; and God wrought such signs and great wonders as have not been done among the nations.
7  Therefore did He ordain two lots, one for the people of Elohim, and one for all the other nations.
8  And these two lots came for an appointed season, and for a day of judgment,
before Elohim, and for all the nations.
9  And Elohim remembered His people, and gave vindication unto His own inheritance.
10 And they shall observe these days, in the month Adar, on the fourteenth and on the fifteenth day of the month, with an assembly, and joy and gladness before Elohim, throughout the generations for ever among His people Israel.
(Esther F:1-10)

We need your help today! Donations this month have been low and bills are past due!

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to Or by Zelle of Go Fund Me.

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The Long and Short Versions of the Book of Esther

The Long and Short Versions of the Book of Esther
James Scott Trimm

There are two versions of our Book of Esther, a long version and a short version. The short version, is the one that appears in most Bibles today.

The long version contains the following additional material (found in the “Apocrypha” today under the Title “The Rest of Esther” or “Additions to Esther”:

10:4-11:1 Mordecai’s dream

11:2-12:6 (An account of Mordecai saving the life of the king)

13:1-7 The King’s letter ordering a massacre of the Jews

13:8-14 The Prayers offered by Mordecai and Esther

15:1-16 Esther, at great risk, appeals to the king

16:1-24 The second letter of the king denouncing Haman and directing his people to help the Jews

The Long version appears in Catholic and Orthodox Bible Versions.

The question is, which version is most original? Was material taken out of Esther, thus creating a shorter abridged
version? Or was material added to Esther, creating a longer version?

The Masoretic Text lacks these “additional” sections, but it is not certain that they did not exist in the original
Hebrew and Aramaic of Esther. On the other hand, the long version appears in the Greek Septuagint and in the Aramaic Peshitta.

The Book of Ester is the only canonical book of the Tanak which does not appear anywhere among the Dead Sea Scrolls, so they offer us no help in resolving this issue.

Some form of the original Hebrew and/or Aramaic may have survived in Jewish circles apart from the Masoretic Text.

Except for the King’s letters all of the “additional” material appears in the Midrash Rabba to Esther.

While the “additional” sections do not appear in the Masoretic Text, they do appear in the Septuagint, and our oldest copies of Esther by far are these Greek Septuagint copies. SO are these truly “additions” to Esther? Or are they “subtractions” from Esther.

We need your hep today! Our rent is due in justr two weeks (4-1-24) and we do not have it!

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to or by Zelle or GoFundMe.

Click HERE to donate

And don’t forget to join the conversations at the NazareneSpace Social Network

The Name of YHWH Encoded in Esther

The Name of YHWH Encoded in Esther
James Scott Trimm

While the Name of YHWH is mysteriously absent from the short version of Esther (we will look at the Long Version of Ester in another blog soon) as it appears in the Masoretic Text, the Name of YHWH does appear encoded in the Hebrew text at four transitional points of the story, showing us that YHWH is guiding the events of the book (a point made more plain in the long version of the Book of Ester).

The Name of YHWH appears encoded in the Hebrew text of Esther through what is called NOTARIKON.

A Notarikon is an acronym; anagram or acrostic. Taking the first or last letters of the words of a phrase and joining them to make a new word or, conversely, expanding a word into a phrase.

The first is found in Esther 1:20

And when the king’s decree which he shall make, shall be published throughout all his kingdom, great though it be: all the wives will give to their husbands honor, both to great and small.
(Esther 1:20 HRV)

It was this decree that ultimately brought Esther before the throne of the King, thus saving the Jewish people. Now if we look at the phrase “all the wives will give” in the Hebrew we find that the first letter of each word spells out YHWH backwards because YHWH is over ruling and reversing the wisdom of man. Whereas it was man’s intention that this decree causes women to do the will of men, YHWH would ultimately use it to have the King do the will of Esther.

Next we come to Esther 5:4

And Ester said, If it seem good unto the king, let the king and Haman come this day, unto the banquet that I have prepared for him.
(Esther 5:4 HRV)

Now if we look at the phrase “let the king and Haman come this day” in the Hebrew we find that first letter of each word spells YHWH going forward because YHWH’s hand was upon this feast that He might defeat Haman.

Next we come to Esther 5:13

Yet all this avails me nothing, so long as I see Mordekhai the Jew,
sitting at the king’s gate
(Esther 5:13 HRV)

If we look at the phrase “Yet all this avails me nothing” in the Hebew we see that the last letter of each word spells YHWH backwards. The final letters are used because this is the beginning of the end of Haman’s plot. The Name is backwards because YHWH is turning back Haman’s plot.

Next we come to Esther 7:7

And the king arose in his wrath from the banquet of wine, and went into the palace garden: but Haman remained to make request for his life to Ester the queen, for he saw that there was evil determined against him by the king.
(Esther 7:7 HRV)

If we look at the phrase “that there was evil determined against him” in the Hebrew we will see that the last letter of each word spells YHWH forward. The final letters because Haman’s plot had come to an end, and forwards because YHWH was moving the plans of Ester and Mordechai forward.

These four occurrences of the Name of YHWH in Notarikon, show that YHWH was behind the events and guiding the plans of Ester and Mordechai forward.

Then spoke the king Achashverosh and said unto Ester the queen,
Who is he, and where is he, that dares presume in his heart to do so?
(Esther 7:5 HRV)

If we look at the Hebrew “is he, and where is he” we see that the Masoretic Text makes the final letters of each word larger, spelling the Notarikon “EHYHE” which is the same backwards and forwards “I Am” one of the names of YHWH (Ex. 2:23-25; 3:14-15). The Name is made from the final letters so that YHWH shows that unlike Hamen, YHWH does have the authority and power to reverse the decrees of a King.

Thus we see that while YHWH is never mentioned in the short version of Esther, He is ever present working behind the scenes in the original Hebrew.

We need your help today! Donations this month have been low and bills are past due!

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

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Thru Hebrews Lesson Four Video Now Online

Pictured above is a home study group in Australia which has Gone thru our Thru the Book of Romans class and our Thru the Book of Galatians class, and will soon be going line by line thru Hebrews with the Thru the Book of Hebrews class with James Trimm, complete with PDF class handouts! Check out this Free Multi part class on Hebrews! and be sure to share it with your friends! Its all part of the NEW NazareneSpace!

Click Here: For all Four Classes

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by paypal to

And don’t forget to join the conversations at the NazareneSpace Social Network

The Brazen Serpent Lifted up in the Wilderness

The Brazen Serpent Lifted up in the Wilderness
James Scott Trimm

One of the most beautiful pictures of Messiah in the Torah is that of the brazen serpent lifted up in the wilderness to heal the people. We read in the Torah:

[6] And YHWH sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
[7] Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against YHWH, and against thee; pray unto YHWH, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.
[8] And YHWH said unto Moses, Make you a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looks upon it, shall live.
[9] And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
(Numbers 21:6-9).

In the Wisdom of Solomon we are told that this “fiery serpent” represented a “sign of salvation (Yeshua)” the “Savior of all”: (“Yeshua is Hebrew for “salvation”)

[5] For when the horrible fierceness of beasts came upon these, and they perished with the stings of crooked serpents, your wrath endured not for ever:
[6] But they were troubled for a small season, that they might be admonished, having a sign of salvation, to put them in remembrance of the commandment of your Torah.
[7] For he that turned himself toward it was not saved by the thing that he saw, but by you, that are the Savior of all.
(Wisdom of Solomon 16:5-7)

In the Good News according to Yochanan , Messiah boldly identified himself as this “Savior” saying:

13 And no man has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven– the Son of Man, who is in heaven.
14 And as Moshe raised up the serpent in the wilderness, thus the Son of Man will be raised,
15 So that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.
(John 3:13-15 NHRV)

28 Yeshua said to them again: When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He. And I did not do a thing of My own, but as My Father taught Me, so I speak.
(John 8:28 NHRV)

32 And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to Me.
(John 12:32 NHRV)

Why was this serpent a type of Messiah? Because the gematria (numerical value) of the Hebrew word for “serpent” (נחש) is 358 which is also the gematria of the word “Messiah” (משיח) 358 is also the gematria for the phrase “Shiloh comes” (יבא שילה) (Gen. 49:10). This is why the Talmud says that “Shiloh” is one of the names of Messiah (b.San. 98b) and why the Targums paraphrase the word “Shiloh” as “Messiah” in in Gen. 49:10.

Donations have been low, and we need your help today or our account will go into the negative Monday night (7/8/24) and start a chain reaction of returned items and fees!

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to or by Zelle or Go Fund Me

Click HERE to donate

And don’t forget to join the conversations at the NazareneSpace Social Network

Those Pagan Virgin Birth Stories Evaporate

Those Pagan Virgin Birth Stories Evaporate
James Scott Trimm

Anti-Missionaries, Atheists and other critics have spread far and wide a false claim that the virgin birth doctrine was borrowed from paganism.  The fact is that this claim is an outright lie.  A close examination of the alleged origins/births of the pagan gods these persons claim were “virgin births” shows that not one of these pagan gods was supposed to be the result of a virgin birth.


Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis.  Isis was impregnated by Osiris after she gathered the parts of the dismembered body of her husband Osiris and resurrected him.  In the oldest accounts of the story, she retrieved the whole body, but in later versions she could not locate his male member and so she fashioned a new member for him out of gold.  There was no indication that Isis was a virgin, and the gold member was by implication fully functional.  Horus did not have a virgin birth.


The myth of the origin of Attis begins with the daemon Agdistis.  Agdistis initially had both male and female genitalia. But the Olympian gods, fearing Agdistis, castrated the male member and cast it away. An almond-tree grew up from the male member, and when its fruit was ripe, Nana (a daughter of the river-god Sangarius), picked an almond from the tree and laid it in her bosom. It then disappeared, and she became pregnant with Attis.  There is no indication in the myth that Nana was a virgin, and her impregnation resulted from a seed which came forth from a male member, so there is no virgin birth here either.


Dionysus was born to the mortal woman Semele and the Greek god Zeus… but since Zeus’ wife Hera discovered that Zeus was having an affair with Semele, this is certainly not a virgin birth, but a very physical, sexual relationship between Zeus and Semele which resulted in her pregnancy.


Krishna was also not the result of a virgin birth.  In fact Krishna was the eighth child of the union of his mother and father.  That’s right, Krishna’s mother was not only not a virgin, but she had seven sons before Krishna!


The original story of Mithra’s origin had Mithra crawling out of a rock.  Now unless the rock was a virgin, then there is no virgin birth here either.  There was a later Roman Mithra cult, and this later version of Mitha (known as Mithras) was born thru a form of artificial insemination, when his mother bathed in water in which his father’s semen had been preserved.  Even if we take this as a virgin birth, this Mithra cult did not exist yet at the time of Yeshua’s birth.  So if this was a virgin birth, then it might have been copied from the birth of Yeshua, but it could not have been the other way around.

None of these pagan gods were alleged to be the result of a virgin birth, and thus the virgin birth of Yeshua was not simply copied from paganism.

Donations have been extremely low, we need your support more than ever. We must raise at least $600 by the end of the day today (7/8/24) or our account will go into the negative and start a chain reaction of returned items and fees. The time is short, and there is much work to be done. This is no time to pull back from the great work in front of us!

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to or by Zelle or Go Fund Me.

Click HERE to donate

And don’t forget to join the conversations at the NazareneSpace Social Network

Judah in Prophecy: You Aint Seen Nothin Yet!

Judah in Prophecy: You Aint Seen Nothin Yet!
James Scott Trimm

The concept of the Two House message was an important message for the world and it generated a good deal of excitement, but it was not the last stage of restoration. The Two House message had to do with the grafting in of “wild branches” (Ephraimites) into the cultivated olive tree (Judah).

Now Romans 11 does discuss this stage of the restoration, but it also tells us that an even more powerful stage will involve Judah being grafted back into its own olive tree:

And if their stumbling became riches for the world, and their loss, riches to the
Goyim:how much more therefore,their fullness?
(Rom. 11:12 HRV)

For if their reprobation was reconciliation to the world, how much more therefore, their return, but life that is from among the dead?
(Rom. 11:15 HRV)

23 And those, if they do not remain in their lack of trust, also will be grafted in: for Eloah is able to graft them in again.
24 For if you, who are from the olive [tree] that was wild by your nature, were cut off and were grafted–contrary to your nature–into the good olive [tree], how much more then, those, if they be grafted in their natural olive [tree]?
(Rom. 11:23-24 HRV)

Paul says here: You think the restoration of Ephraim is great, wait until you see the restoration of Judah!

That is what the WNAE is about, not just the grafting in of Ephraim (although that is part of it) but the restoration of Judah, the restoration of the ancient sect of Nazarene Judaism!

We need your help today! We must raise at least $300 by the end of the day today (7/9/24) or our account will go into the negative and start a chain reaction of returned items and fees!

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by Paypal to or by Zelle or Go Fund Me!

Click HERE to donate

And don’t forget to join the conversations at the NazareneSpace Social Network

In Search of Lost Tribes: Native American Languages and Hebrew

In Search of Lost Tribes:
Native American Languages and Hebrew
James Scott Trimm

From the 17th thru the early 19th Centuries, it was a commonly held belief that the Native Americans were descended from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.  This view was held not only by many Christians (including Thomas Jefferson), but by many Jewish writers (such as Mordecai Noah) as well, but fell out of favor by the late 19th Century.

One of the many reasons that many scholars came to this conclusion was that it was quickly recognized that there was an apparent influence of Hebrew on Native American languages.  It was noted that Native American languages often followed the Hebrew pattern of making prepositions into prefixes, and that Native American languages were similarly used prefixes and suffixes in much the same was as Hebrew.

More importantly it was noted that Native American languages had many cognates to Hebrew words.  Some of these (as given by Ethan Smith in his 1825 book “View of the Hebrews”) are as follows:
(I have made some occasional improvements on the below table, especially in transliteration of some Hebrew words):

EnglishIndianHebrew or Chaldaic
FatherAbbaAv, Abba
ManIsh, IshteIsh
His WifeLianiLihene
This man (he)UwohHu
Roof of a houseTraubana-oraDebonaour
To prayPhalePhalac
Hind partKeshKish
To blowPhaubacPhaubac
Rushing windRowahRuach
Ararat or high mountainAraratArarat

There are many other possible Hebrew linguistic influences on Indian languages.  For example the Mayan word for “real” or “true” is halach.  Could this have been derived from the Hebrew term halacha meaning “the way to go” and commonly used to refer to Jewish customs and laws.

The ancient Hebrews called false gods Baalim (“lords”) while the Mayans worshiped the jaguar as a god and their word for “jaguar” was “Balam”.

There are also connections between Hebrew and the Uto-Aztecan dialects which were spoken across the western portion on North America and down into Mexico.  My old friend and mentor the late Dr. Cyrus Gordon pointed out  that in the Native American Teletzinco Nahuatl language (a Uto-Atzecan dialect), wa means ‘and’ just as in Semitic languages (such as Hebrew and Aramaic)  (Before Columbus; Cyrus Gordon; Crown Publishers; N.Y. 1971 p. 136)

In Uto-Aztecan the plural suffix is –ima while in Hebrew the masculine plural suffix is –im.  In UA the reciprocal passive reflexive prefix is na- while in Hebrew it is ni-. 

In 1998 linguist Brian Stubbs published a revolutionary paper which demonstrated a distinct Hebrew influence on the Uto-Aztecan languages .

Stubbs points out that cognate words in Hebrew and Uto-Aztecan which share the same ambiguity are especially compelling. Among the more compelling examples cited by Stubbs is the Uto-Aztecan word yesipa meaning “sit” or “dwell” which appears related to the Hebrew root yashav (Strong’s 3427) meaning “sit” or “dwell”.  Stubbs gives many more examples to numerous to list here.  (ESOP (Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers) 23; “A Curious Element in Uto-Aztecan”; Brian Darrel Stubbs; pp. 109-140; 1998)

The following are just some of the examples given by Stubbs in his detailed analysis of the relationship:

plural suffix-ima-im
psv/rfl/rcp prefixna-ni-
Sit, DwellYasipaYashav
Water, oceanMemet (ocean)Mayim, Mem (water)
Man, PersonOtamAdam
Prudent, WiseIskaliaHiskal
Shave, Scrape, SmoothSipaSippa
interrogative prefixHa-Ha-
keep locked, lock

Why would Native American languages have such commonalities with Hebrew?  There is evidence that there was some transoceanic contact between ancient Hebrews and the New World (as I have shown in a previous blog).  But these linguistic connections seem to show much more than just transoceanic contact, and occur throughout North America (Smith’s examples of 1825 were largely from the Indian languages of the North East United States, while Stubb’s Uto-Aztecan examples are from the West and Southwest.) 

The question of the origins of Native Americans was one that received considerable attention in the first few centuries after Europeans re-discovered the New World.  One answer can be found in the Bible itself.  In Genesis we are told that at the scattering of mankind following the fall of the Tower of Babel that “from there, did YHWH scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth” (Gen. 11:9) and the first century Jewish Roman historian Josephus writes of this event “There were some also who passed over the sea in ships…” (Ant. 1:5:1).  Certainly we know today that ancestors of the Native Americans crossed over the land bridge from Asia into Alaska.  But is it possible there is more to the story?

Certainly portions of the Lost Tribes migrated into Europe and even Asia, but is it possible that some portion of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel also migrated to the New World and become a part of the ancestry of at least some Native American groups?  Could this be part if a bigger puzzle?  In a future article I will present more of the evidence that suggests that such a thing may well have occurred, and that some of the Lost Tribes did indeed migrate to the American Continents and did indeed become part of the ancestry of at least some Native American groups.

We must raise at least $500 ASAP to cover our electric bill!

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by paypal to

And don’t forget to join the conversations at the NazareneSpace Social Network

Free Online Class: Thru the Book of Hebrews

Home study group in Australia going thru the Thru the Book of Galatians class, soon to being Thru the Book of Hebrews

Pictured above is a home study group in Australia which has Gone thru our Thru the Book of Romans class and our Thru the Book of Galatians class, and will soon be going line by line thru Hebrews with the Thru the Book of Hebrews class with James Trimm, complete with PDF class handouts! Check out this Free Multi part class on Hebrews! and be sure to share it with your friends! Its all part of the NEW NazareneSpace!

Click Here: For all Three Classes

We must raise at least $500 ASAP to cover our electric bill!

As you know we have been digging ourselves out of a budget shortfall.  As I have said to you many times, I look on this work as a co-operative one with me, and all of you combining our resources together in order to get the job done of helping to teach this great truth to all in the world who will listen. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, you are the ones who make it all possible by your contributions and your prayers for our work. I truly appreciate your help in every way.

If you can make a one time donation of $500 or $1,000 dollars to support this work.

Donations can be sent by paypal to

Donations can also be made out to “Nazarene Judaism” and sent to:

Nazarene Judaism
PO Box 471
Hurst, TX 76053

And don’t forget to join the conversations at the NazareneSpace Social Network